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Predatory Publishing: Predatory Conferences

Designed to be useful and relevant, this guide will provide you with tips on how to identify and avoid predatory publishers

Fake Conference?

"Credible scientific conferences, typically organized by major professional societies and research agencies, will invite researchers to present because of the caliber and validity of their work as judged by the candidate's peers. Given the importance of conferences in academia, predatory conference organizers sensed a business opportunity and started scamming researchers a few years ago."

Pai, M. and Franco, E. (2016, Oct 10). Predatory Conferences Undermine Science And Scam Academics. Huffington Post.

Here are examples:

Identifying a Fake Journal or Meeting

Evaluating a journal before submitting material is a core responsibility of the author. Ray Hunziker, Senior Editor for ProEd Communications, Inc., a healthcare communications company, has published tips for identifying potential predatory publishers, journals, and meetings.












Hunziker, Ray. “Avoiding Predatory Publishers in the Post-Beall World: Tips for Writers and Editors.” ​AMWA Journal, 32:3, 2017. Web.