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Community Policing: Professional Organizations & Networks

Community Policing Sites and Organization

National Police Foundation - The police are the crucial link in the nation’s system of crime control and the local agency of government on duty 24 hours a day to protect lives, homes, and property. Everywhere in the nation, police can be the catalyst for community crime prevention efforts.
United Nations Police - The UN Police Manual on Community-Oriented Policing in United Nations Peace Operations spells out the fundamental principles, concept and approach to community-oriented policing for United Nations police.

Kenya Police Service - Do You Want To Be Safer? Now you can contribute in the fight against crime in your neighborhood. You should not only be able to live without fear of crime but also be responsible for keeping your community safe

National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Established in 1972, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.