Designed to be useful and relevant, this guide will provide you with access to a range of key library and information resources to aid your studies/research in Digital Communication
Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice provides comprehensive details and practical implementation tactics on the novel concepts and enabling technologies at the core of the paradigm shift from store and forward (dumb) to compute and forward (intelligent) in future communication networks and systems. The book explains how to create virtualized large scale testbeds using well-established open source software, such as Mininet and Docker.
The Computer Journal is one of the longest-established journals serving all branches of the academic computer science community. It is currently published in four sections:
Information, Communication & Society (iCS) transcends cultural and geographical boundaries as it explores a diverse range of issues relating to the development and application of information and communications technologies (ICTs), asking such questions as:
What are the new and evolving forms of social software? What direction will these forms take?
The International Journal of Communication Systems provides a forum for R&D, open to researchers from all types of institutions and organisations worldwide, aimed at the increasingly important area of communication technology. The Journal's emphasis is particularly on the issues impacting behaviour at the system, service and management levels. Published twelve times a year, it provides coverage of advances that have a significant potential to impact the immense technical and commercial opportunities in the communications sector.
Journalism Practice is a new scholarly, international and multidisciplinary journal, published three times a year by Routledge, Taylor & Francis, which provides opportunities for reflective, critical and research-based studies focused on the professional practice of journalism. The emphasis on journalism practice does not imply any false or intellectually disabling disconnect between theory and practice, but simply an assertion that Journalism Practice's primary concern will be to analyse and explore issues of practice and professional relevance. Journalism Practice is an intellectually rigorous journal with all contributions being refereed anonymously by acknowledged international experts in the field.
Hosts a wide range of the world's most highly-cited and prestigious titles in the fields of medicine, life sciences, mathematics & physical sciences, law, humanities, and the social sciences.