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Epidemiology: Referencing and Citing

Designed to be useful and relevant, this guide will provide you with access to a range of key library and information resources to aid your studies and research in Epidemiology.

Referencing and citation

When you reference you use a standardized style to acknowledge the sources of information used in your assignments or writing.

  • It is important (morally & legally) to acknowledge someone else’s ideas or words used in your work. Academic writing encourages paraphrasing information you have researched and read.
  • Paraphrasing means re-wording something you have read in to your own words. If you use someone else’s words or work and fail to acknowledge them – you may be accused of plagiarism and infringing copyright.
  • Referencing correctly enables the marker or reader of your assignment to locate the source of the information. They can verify the information or read further on the topic.
  • Referencing also allows you to retrace your steps and locate information you have used for assignments and discover further views or ideas discussed by the author. By referencing clearly and correctly, it demonstrates that you have undertaken research on the assignment topic and located relevant information.

Learn important tips for referencing and how to reference from our Referencing Guide, here.